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E-cycleable Items

Electronics recycling or e-cycling is the term used to describe the modern process for electronic waste disposal which encompasses, electronics recycling and computer recycling too. Electronixrecyclers.com follows the Reuse, Reduce and Recycle process in the collection and handling of e-waste.  
 Electronic and computer equipment is received, marked for inventory, tested to see if it can be reused. If so, it's cleaned, refurbished and resold or donated. If not reusable, it's reduced and recycled or salvaged to reprocessors and other buyers. We do not accept any Televisions or CRT Monitors.
E-cycleable Item Categories
 Consumer Electronics
 Computer Technology
 Office Equipment
 No Televisions or CRT PC Monitors
Consumer Electronics
 Microwave Ovens
 VCRs and DVD Players
 Cameras and Camcorders
 Electronic Gaming Consoles
 Stereos, Radios and CD Players
 No Televisions Accepted
Computer Technology
 Hard Drives
 Keyboards and Mice
 Desktop and Laptop Computers
 Modems, Routers and Switches
 Servers and Mainframe Computers
 No CRT Monitors Accepted
Office Equipment
 Electric Typewriters
 Copiers and Printers
 Scanners and Duplicators
 Uninterruptible Power Supplies
 Fax Machines
 Answering Machines
 Cell Phones and PDA
 Multi-Line Telephone Systems
 Fluorescent 4
 Fluorescent Over 4
 Shielded Fluorescent
 U-shaped and Circular
 High Intensity Discharge